Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Scheherazade Project: Theme for 7/3-7/16

The Scheherazade Project: Theme for 7/3-7/16

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Is falling in love a healthy state?  Or is the initial staging of dating healthy?  I am talking about being emotionally healthy.  There are so many whys to explain it too, I’m pressed, or I’m Sprung or Madonna’s new one I’m hung up.  As I sit here listening to popular music, I was struck by how many song are about being addicted to someone and it not being a good thing.  

I'm tryin' to forget But I'm addicted to you But I wanted And I needed I'm addicted to you Now it's over

It's like I can't breathe It's like I can't see anything Nothing but you I'm addicted to you It's like I can't think Without you interrupting me In my thoughts In my dreams You've taken over me

She says she feels like she's addicted to a real bad thing
She's always sitting, waiting wondering if the phone will ring
She knows she bounces like a yo-yo when he pulls her string
It hurts to feel like such a fool
She wants to tell him not to call or come around again
He doesn't need her now at all the way that she needs him
She's on the edge about to fall from leaning out and in
And she don't know which way to move

This behavior sounds extremely unhealthy and self destructive but is a common theme in American music, and I think a common occurrence in the initially stages of a relationship.  If you are to fall in love and live happily ever after is the addiction stage of a relationship a requirement or is it a sign that the relationship is doomed to fail?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Craft Projects

Last night I spent hours on the phone comforting a distraught friend.  Ms. Distraught has been dating a man for a few months.  The relationship started out very slow, Ms. D comes from a very conservative background.  The relationship is still young, in the fact that they have not had sex but do fool around on the couch a lot.  However the drama started last night when to two of them were out he told her that she should change her hair.  I was shocked.  She has long, thick dark beautiful hair, and I have always been under the impression that men like long hair.  Perhaps I am wrong.  Thought out the rest of the evening he kept fixing her appearance, straightening her sweater and her necklace, as if to say you’re a mess let me help you out.  The finally kicker was when he offered (unsolicited) to help her pick out her clothes, saying “I have a wonderful sense of style”.  Which is true, I have met the man.  Ms. D replied that she wasn’t a craft project that needed to be changed, and I fully agree with her.  I also told her she should seriously reconsider dating a man that is so highly critical of her appearance so early in the relationship.  I am under the impression that women are always thinking of ways to change the men in their lives and not the other way around.  Is this guy way out in left field or do men look for a craft project when looking for love?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Me as defined by my friends

Me as defined by my friends

Me as defined by my friends

Me, as defined by my friends